Water Transfer Personnel

Torrent is Hiring Water Transfer Personnel Who:
- Want to work somewhere with a strong positive family atmosphere.
- Look forward to working as part of a team to accomplish the goals set forward.
- Like working outside in all four seasons Alberta has to offer.
- Enjoy having a mobile work location with different views every day.
- Like staying in a hotel or camp.
- Want to get paid to ride in a side by side at work.
- Enjoy operating equipment such as skid steers, loaders or aerial work platforms.
- Have a mechanical and technical problem solving ability.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Torrent will be a great company for you to work with.
Make some waves with us!

Overview of Water Transfer Jobs:
Using skid steers, crews rig in above ground water transfer lines and associated pumping equipment. Our typical sources are rivers, dugouts, c-rings, gravel pits or lakes.
During the transfer, the crews monitor the pumps and adjust valves for the desired flow rates that are required for the specific projects. They are responsible for maintenance of the pumps, testing the water line, filling out documentation, and safely following procedures and policies.
After the transfer, the crews rig out and demob back to our yard.
Job lengths vary for each project. Most jobs are in Central Alberta within 1-2 hours from our base. Many projects require workers to stay in hotels while they are working at a job.
We do not require experience, and will safely train all workers in our safe operating procedures.